I want to reiterate and clarify my expectations within the Diocese of New Westminster:
1. I strongly encourage all people who are eligible to receive the vaccine be vaccinated. If you have not been vaccinated you may want to consider worshipping online.
2. If you are feeling unwell, please do not attend in-person worship.
3. Masks are to be worn upon entry to the church and kept on for the entirety of the liturgy, with the exception of when speaking in the liturgy, consuming the bread/Body of Christ, or when consuming food or drink at a reception.
4. Greeters/welcomers are to wear masks.
5. Anyone speaking or singing solo may remove their mask for this role.
6. A choir is permitted during worship, but it is requested that they all wear a mask even while singing, and distance from one another as much as is possible. Choirs are permitted to rehearse during the week and/or prior to the liturgy but it is requested that they wear a mask and distance from one another as much as possible in the available space.
7. Congregational singing is permitted but all in the congregation must be wearing masks.
8. Prior to receiving Communion, individuals should sanitize their hands.
9. Sunday Schools may offer classes (the teachers and parents must be comfortable enough for this to happen) but teachers and students (as much as is possible) must be masked at all times.
10. Social times before or after worship are permitted, however, please ensure that those handling food/beverages have sanitized their hands. People must wear a mask (when not consuming food or drink) and distance as much as is reasonable in this setting as well.
11. For meetings (Bible Study, Christian Formation events, Parish Council, Youth Group, other committee meetings), all in attendance must be masked.
Along with this:
• Communion is in one kind only (except for the priest), the bread/body of Christ. The cup/wine/blood of Christ will not be offered to anyone other than the presider at this time.
• At the time of exchanging the Peace of Christ, there must not be handshaking or hugs (except between members of the same household). Please nod or bow to one another. From my travels around our diocese, I realize that this is difficult to implement but please do your best to adhere to this temporary policy.
• I am aware that there are a number of parishes passing the Offertory Plates. Please refrain from passing Offertory plates at this time. They should be placed inside the nave near the nave entrance and brought forward during the time that the offering is received.