Guest Priests on March 17Father Keith Gilbert at 8 am, Father Neil Gray at 10:15 This Sunday will feature two guest priests while Fr Stephen is away for a brief holiday on Vancouver Island. At the 8 am service, former rector, Fr Keith Gilbert, will be our guest. At the 10:15 am service. Fr Neil Gray, honorary assistant priest at St James, (photo above), will be celebrant and preacher. Fr Neil's sermon will be recorded and posted via the e-newsletter, but there will be no Zoom option this Sunday. Fr Stephen will be back on Wednesday. |
Special sewing project
The Scouts are purchasing raw wool blankets for the Beavers to use as campfire blankets. They will need to be hemed using a sewing machine, as per the link below If you have a sewing machine and would like to help, please send a note to Alyssa Green at alyssavictoria@gmail.com.
March 24Palm/Passion Sunday Holy week begins next Sunday with our celebration of Palm Sunday that also includes the reading of the Passion of Christ. We need several readers to help - please sign up on the form found on the information table across from the office.